Asking me to pick my favorite book is like trying to pick my favorite Beatles song. Because there are so many great options available, how could I narrow it down to just one? But for today we are talking about purpose and spiritual growth and within this category one of the best books out there is The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. This book will answer the age-old question – How to know God’s Purpose for my Life?

This amazing book was copyrighted in 2002 and if I remember correctly I read it in 2003. Fast-forward fifteen years and here I am writing about it. Obviously, the book impacted me as I still think about it to this day. This book is jam-packed with Godly wisdom and it answers the most common questions that we all have. GO HERE to get this book right now and begin discovering your life’s purpose.
How to Know God’s Purpose for My Life
This book as you will discover is more like a forty-day guide to the question, “how to know God’s purpose for my life”. You will gain a better understanding of why God created us and what our purpose is in this wonderful world. God designed us all for a purpose and it would be a shame to waste it. Because our purpose is not always obvious, this book will provide direction and help you find yours.
Colossians 1:16 says “For everything, absolutely everything above and below, visible and invisible… everything got started in him and finds it’s purpose in him“. Such lovely words. It really is hard to comprehend that God the creator, made absolutely every single thing in this world and it all has a purpose.
God made every human being, every grain of sand, seashell and sea creature. Every cloud, lightning bolt and clap of thunder is from him and because of him. Nothing has ever happened or ever will happen without going through God first. I am in complete awe every time I think about that.
You Matter

No matter who you are or how rough your upbringing was you matter to at least one person in this world – God! Frankly, that is all that really matters in the end.
You are not an accident. Even if your parents didn’t plan you, God did. Isaiah 44:2 – I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born. God knew me even before I was conceived by my parents, there are few things more comforting to me than knowing that!
There are many more life-changing topics throughout this book but I don’t want to give anything more away. You will just have to see for yourself! Know this, this book has the power to change your life if you let it.
A friendly layout and an easy read!
One of the things I love about this book is that it is broken down into days. Each chapter is a day and it is usually between five to eight pages in length. Because he wanted all people to be able to see what God has in store for them, the author designed it to be an easy read.
In conclusion, I really do hope you pick up this book. My hope is that it would change your life as it changed mine. Rick Warren is a master of communicating your Godly purpose to his readers. This is a book you will want to mark up and highlight. I know you will find yourself going back to it seeking that one sentence that was so good.
The choice is yours. If you are seeking the answers are available. What is the point of seeking if you don’t take action when you find something that can help you?