Let’s be honest, when you think of food and wine pairing Barbecue isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. In fact, I don’t think barbecue was on my list at all. Well, I would like to share with you a delicious concept with food and wine that I recently tried at home. Baby Back BBQ ribs with a Delicious Red Wine. Whether you know how to cook or not this is a meal that can anyone can make at home.
Unfortunately, where I live you cannot barbecue year-round due to the cold weather. You have to get it in while you can so I like to take full advantage. So on this Memorial Day Weekend, we decided to cook baby back ribs and I was confident that I had a wine on hand that would pair well.
I have made ribs many times before and I was sure they would turn out amazing! Whenever I make them I like to invite company over. Because my wife doesn’t eat much meat, I like to have someone to share the experience with. So for this occasion, we had some family over for our event.
Turn any Experience into an Event with a Fine Red Wine.
Needless to say when you add wine to any situation things get much more fun. Especially when it’s a delicious fine red wine carefully made at the Vineyard, not mass-produced at a factory which is basically fruit punch with alcohol added.
The first thing I did was purchase the ribs at a local meat shop the day before. Of course, I was sure to get a dry rub on them so they could marinate in the refrigerator overnight. The rub gives a very nice flavor and crust to the meat and also tenderizes everything nicely. You should certainly always use a rub of some sort when making ribs.
Another thing you need to know is you must take the membrane off before you do anything else. If you’re not sure what this is, it’s a piece of tissue that all pork ribs have on the underside. If not removed your ribs will be hard to chew and will not be as flavorful. Above all, this needs to get done! If you miss this step nothing else you do is going to matter.
Tip – If you get these from a butcher ask them to take the membrane off for you. It will save you time and effort at home.
So, fast forward to the next day. The ribs are purchased, the membrane has been removed, the rub has been applied and the ribs have been in the refrigerator overnight….now it’s time for the grill!
The next step is to take them out of the refrigerator and let them come to room temperature. 30-60 minutes should be fine. In my opinion, it’s not the end of the world if you miss this step, but most experts agree that this helps cook your food more evenly.
When ready place your ribs on the grill. You will want your grill preheated to about 200 degrees Fahrenheit. For this event, I used my wood pellet grill. If you are using charcoal make sure you place the coals off to the side for indirect heat. Your ribs will be done when they start to separate slightly from the bone and get a nice crusty bark on the outside. At 200 degrees it will take approximately 4 – 6 hours for the cooking process to be finished.
During the last 30 minutes of cooking, I like to brush on my favorite BBQ sauce to half of the ribs. I only do half because I like my ribs both wet and dry, this way I can have both.
We have an entire category on how to cook for wine events. See it here!
Needless to say, when I brought the ribs in the house everyone gathered around the kitchen to look at them. I think grilling is in some ways an art form. Much like art, some people are just born with the ability to understand it, while other people struggle to learn it.
Luckily for me, it comes fairly easy. I am by no means an expert but I can definitely hold my own. Also, I owe my Dad a lot of credit because he loves to grill and I grew up watching him master this craft. I would say I learned how to cook on the grill from him.

Because of this I usually like to show off a little bit and have company over. I mean who wants to make something really delicious and not share it with anyone? The BBQ Ribs were the main course but not the only item made on this day.
In addition, we had coleslaw, baked beans, baked potatoes, and veggies. Everything was made on the grill except the coleslaw. Oh yes and let’s not forget the guest of honor….. the Red Wine!
A Little About the Wine……
The wine is from our Amazing Wine of the Month Club. If you are not familiar with Wine Clubs, you are able to get fine wine at member pricing. The wine literally comes to your doorstep from the finest wineries in the world. These wines would cost you anywhere from $40 – $125 dollars at the store, but we are able to get them at under $25 per bottle through our awesome club!
The wine we featured for this pairing was a Fine Red from Argentina. It is 100% from Malbec grapes and the softer tannins pair very well with the BBQ Ribs.

Needless to say, the meal was enjoyed by all. It was delicious and the wine only made it better. Due to a lack of will power, I may have overeaten and was full for hours. Sadly for me, one of our younger guests challenged me to a game of one-on-one basketball. I was quickly reminded of my age and at one point I think I actually sweat BBQ Sauce.
So I hope I was able to give you an idea for your own wine event. As you can see hosting a wine party does not have to be complicated or even classy. You do not need a large variety of exotic foods either. The one thing you do need is a fine wine which is easily provided by our fabulous wine club!