Too often we try to turn parenting into an exact science. As the Father of a nine-year-old and a four-year-old, I can tell you that parenting (at least for me) is far from that. One thing I could have done better earlier on is to seek wisdom and give myself the tools needed to be an exceptional parent. I hope this free parenting advice will give you some ideas on how to equip yourself to be the best parent you can possibly be!
Becoming a father was one of the most special things that has ever happened to me. I remember holding my babies for the first time. I was so overwhelmed with emotion that I cried with joy. There aren’t words to describe the love of a parent for their child.

Along with this great love comes great responsibility. Parents need to raise these precious babies into respectful kids and responsible adults. This is not an easy task and we parents need all of the help we can get. Accept all of the free parenting advice available to you, but proceed with caution. There are a lot of self-proclaimed experts out there.
The truth is, no one has all the answers, and for that matter, no two families are alike. So what works for one family may not necessarily work for another. Each child is born unique with a different personality and a different set of challenges. So as you continue reading this article, just remember these are guidelines and feel free to modify this free parenting advice to meet your family’s needs.
Free Parenting Advice – Ways to overcome (address) any challenge so you can parent with more success
Get on the same page with your spouse
Talk to your spouse, about how the two of you are going to handle certain situations. You need to be on the same page and you need to have a game plan. Kids are smart and they will pick up on your lack of unity and use it to their advantage.
If you are a single parent, I just want to say that I am so proud of you. You have the toughest job on Earth. Someday your children will reflect on their upbringing and the sacrifices you made and realize how blessed they were to have you as a parent! Hang in there. If I could give you some free parenting advice it would be to surround yourself with good, Godly people. You will need the help of others during this journey. Don’t shy away from asking for help. Believe in the goodness of others.
Seek wisdom
Read books on parenting by wise people. Be careful when listening to people or reading books written by people who have never raised kids. I am sure they mean well but, unless you have actually gone through it, giving advice is difficult.
Raising kids is not knowledge you get in a classroom. It can only be obtained by getting in the trenches and experiencing it for yourself. Below are three books by extremely wise people that are worth reading. It is good to keep your mind sharp when you are a parent. Read these books! Mark them, highlight them and keep them close so you can refer to them when you have questions.
Above all, knowledge is power. Equip your mind with the tools you will need.
The New Strong-Willed Child by Dr. James Dobson. This book has been completely rewritten, updated, and expanded from his 1978 classic bestseller “The Strong-Willed Child” for a new generation of parents and teachers. This book combines the psychology of a child with Christian Principles for parents. This is one book you will want in your arsenal. GO HERE to purchase this book now.
The Way of Boys: Promoting the Social and Emotional Development of Young Boys by Anthony Rao and Michelle D. Seaton. This is a tremendous book for anyone to read especially parents of young boys. The authors do a wonderful job explaining the ever-increasing numbers of boys being treated and medicated for problems many may not have. Boyhood is not an illness and it is a major problem in our society that we have misdiagnosed and over-treated so many. GO HERE to purchase this book now.
Grace-Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel. This is an amazing book that teaches us to see our children as God sees us. Dr. Tim Kimmel recommends a parenting style that mirrors God’s love, reflects His forgiveness, and displaces fear as a motivator for behavior. This book teaches us to embrace the grace God offers us and how to create a solid foundation for growing morally strong and spiritually motivated children. GO HERE to purchase this book now.
Spend time together
Make it a habit to eat together with your kids and have family time with each other. Make sure meals are device-free so your family can engage and interact with each other. Ask questions about each other’s day. If you need to, try to write down some discussion questions that you can refer to. Make sure the questions are specific. Instead of asking your child… “How was your day” ask them “what was your favorite part about your day”. So instead of receiving the one-word answer of “good”, you will now at least get a sentence out of your child.
Cut yourself some slack and unwind
Don’t beat yourself up too much when you fail. Just take a breath and imagine yourself turning the page of a book. What happened is done and reset yourself. Start fresh and tell yourself you are going to do better.
Also, don’t be afraid to relax and destress at the end of the day. One thing I enjoy is a glass of Fine Wine. It’s okay to unwind. For those of you that need permission, okay I am giving you permission. Reducing your stress and being fresh for the following day will make you a better parent.
Get time away with your spouse
Once or twice a year (if possible) try to get away with your spouse. I recommend two nights and if it meets your budget get out of town. Even if it’s an hour or two drive just getting away can refresh the soul. Not only are you getting a little break from the kids, but you are also getting a break from the laundry, dishes, lawn, etc. Getting away from the house will force you and your spouse to have good conversation without distractions.
I know for me and my wife we barely get to even tell each other what is going on in our lives when we are at home. The kids take so much of our energy and attention there is nothing left at the end of the night.
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In conclusion, I hope you found this free parenting advice helpful. Feel free to bookmark my page and refer back to it as often as needed! This is the hardest job you will ever do. While it may not seem like your kids appreciate you now, when they grow up they will understand the sacrifices you made for them and the love you have for them.