Anyone that’s ever had a cardinal in their yard has thought the same thing. They think “wow those are beautiful….. how do I get more of these around”. Well, there are actually a few easy things you can do to attract c

Our family is especially fond of the cardinal because it was my grandpa’s favorite bird. Therefore, every time I see one it makes me think of him
So what is the best way to get started
First of all, you’ll want to get started by picking out the right feeder. The food you get isn’t going to do you much good if you don’t get a feeder appropriate for cardinals. Cardinals like a place to perch and they’re a bit heavier than other birds in your yard

The Best Food to Attract Cardinals to Your Yard
Cardinals will eat a large variety of food and seed, but it seems the best bet is to fill your feeder with black oil sunflower seeds. This seed will also attract a large variety of other beautiful backyard birds as well. Black oil seeds have more meat in them and carry higher oil content when compared to other sunflower seeds. Because of this, these seeds are packed with nutritious calories and are a valuable part of any bird’s diet. GO HERE to get it now!

A few other foods you can use to attract cardinals to your yard are corn, peanuts, fresh berries and even chunks of apple. Keep your feeders full of these foods and you’re going to have some recurring happy little visitors! GO HERE to search for other varieties!
Kick back on your patio and enjoying watching these birds. You have got to see these decorative patios from a legit concrete artist!
Another noteworthy item…… don’t forget the water. Just like every living creature birds need water to survive. If you have a birdbath in your yard, you will keep birds nearby and they won’t have to search when they are thirsty. Not to mention, they love to play and splash around in the bath as well. GO HERE for a perfect birdbath for cardinals or simply search for a different one if
What kinds of trees or shrubs can I plant to entice cardinals?

Cardinals like to shelter in thick dense foliage. Here in Minnesota, it’s important to have evergreen trees in your yard because these trees stay dense and green year-round. You are not going to find cardinals hanging out too long in maple or oak trees that drop their leaves in the fall. Not to mention, there is nothing like looking out the window on a snowy winter day and spotting a cardinal perched in your snow-covered evergreen tree.